Informal Meetings
In collaboration with:

Develop an environment for capturing, structuring, and
retrieving content from informal meetings without
disruption to the formality of the meeting.
During software development in general and in
requirements engineering in particular, much information is
created, negotiated, and exchange during informal meetings.
Most of this information, such as the rationale behind
decisions and the traceability of decisions to individual
stakeholders, is not captured and lost. The little
information that is captured is unstructured and not
distributed among project participants.
Rationale and traceability of decision are critical when
changes are made to the system. The availability of this
information would make it easier and cheaper to make changes
that are consistent with the original intent and constraints
of the stakeholders, even when they are not available during
the revision work.
We assume that
- an informal meeting can be recorded with a camera, a
microphone, and other context information once meeting
participants understand and agree that iBistro can be
useful to them,
- a specialized meeting chapion role can, within
reasonable time constraints, structure and filter the
captured rationale for future use,
- the record of several meetings that is produced by
the meeting chapion can be searched, browsed, and
accessed efficiently in subsequent informal meetings,
provide appropriate tool support.
To test and refine these assumptions, we follow an
experimental approach in which we incrementally develop tool
and guidance and evaluate them, initially in student project
courses, and progressively in increasingly more realistic
situations. In particular, we are interested in the
following points:
- using QOC (Questions, Options, and Criteria) for
indexing video records
- using mobile agent technology for creating proxies
that attend meetings on a participants behalf
- using participant modeling to help in retrieval of
knowledge and in finding stakeholders.
so far
So far, we have accomplished the following:
- We have designed a flexible architecture for
integrating sensors, tools, and meeting records.
- We developed a first version minuteGen, the meeting
capture tool of iBistro.
- We are planning a first set of experiments in using
minuteGen in meetings with students.
- We are planning a second set of experiments in the
context of a distributed software engineering project
course in winter semester 2001/2002.
Andreas Braun
(Doctorand, Accenture)
Bernd Bruegge
Dutoit (Researcher)
Oliver Hengstenberg (Diplomarbeit)
Teubner (Doctorand)
- A. Braun, A.H. Dutoit, A. Harrer,, B. Bruegge
- iBistro: A Learning Environment for Knowledge
Construction in Distributed Software Engineering
Submitted to the International Conference on
Computers in Education, 2001. (draft)
- O. Hengstenberg
- Video Support for Rationale Capture in Informal
Diplomarbeit, Technische Universität
München, June, 2001. (pdf)
- A. Braun, B. Bruegge, A.H. Dutoit
- Supporting Informal Requirements Meetings
7th International Workshop on Requirements
Engineering: Foundation for Software Quality.
Interlaken, Switzerland, June 2001. (REFSQ'2001