iUnicase is a collection of iOS applications that allow to collaboratively develop software on mobile devices like the iPhone, iPod and iPad. Each application focuses on different application areas and features that are also available in the UNICASE Desktop client. Each application is built upon a framework that allows to connect with EMFStore and that enables collaborative work on software engineering artifacts.
If you are interested in the development of iUnicase or in a thesis regarding software engineering on mobile devices, please contact Stephan Krusche.
- iUnicaseMeetings
- iUnicaseModeling
- iScrum
Available topics
- Graphical Modeling Framework for Objective-C
- Real time collaborative modeling on iOS devices
Ongoing topics
- Collaborative, usable application for agile project management (Marküs Lücking, Christian Flasche)
Finished topics
- Collaborative, usable application for project management on mobile devices (Christopher Füseschi)
- Objective-C Framework to communicate with EMFStore (Dominik Weber)
Stephan Krusche