Research Group for Applied Software Engineering
Forschungsgruppe für Angewandte Softwaretechnik
FishyFish Logo


Help Fishy find his way through the endless depth of the ocean. Fishy will meet a lot of sea creatures on his adventures. Some will harm him, others will help him.

Seminar: Games Development with iOS - WS 12/13

We, Andreas Preg and Thomas Seidl developed the FishyFish app during the Games Development Seminar. After one week of iOS development courses we had one week to develop a small game. Our result: A first playable version of FishyFish! A few weeks and some more lines of code later we submitted the game to the App Store. Thanks to Stephan Krusche who helped us to get App Store ready!


Download it in the App Store!



The App Store was only the first step so we are going to improve FishyFish. Some of the ideas we are planing to implement soon:

  • Levels
  • Multiplayer
  • More sealife

If you have some ideas or feedback feel free to contact us:



Andreas Preg

Thomas Seidl

supported by
Stephan Krusche