Education Research Improve education and teaching experience with the use of modern technology
Education Research covers various disciplines from computer science to didactics and education science. Software is widely used in many different fields around the globe and due to the large amount of modern technologies, computer scientists now are able to design and integrate solutions to support learners and instructors likewise to support existing teaching environments and create new teaching approaches. Many different approaches can be found reaching from Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) over E-Learning Platforms (Moodle) to Interactive Teaching, Experiential Learning and Live Feedback Tools. Major challenges are the integration into existing platforms, usability for different domains e.g. young learners, old learners, as well as providing the necessary tools for different fields. Also, privacy and at the same time traceability about a learners progress are concerns which are not easily combined.
The main focus of this group is on real-time, and interactive feedback solutions during sessions and exercises combined with evaluations to increase the teaching experience even in large classrooms with up to 1000 students. (Semi-)automatic feedback in programming and modeling exercises with high quality and guidance is our aim.
Interactive Learning
Interactive learning is a new approach: educators teach small chunks of content in short cycles of theory, example, exercise, solution, and feedback. It is based on active, computer-based and experiential learning and focuses on immediate feedback to improve the learning experience.
SIGCSE 2017 Workshop: How to Integrate Interactive Learning into Large Classes
Research Members

Stephan Krusche
Dr. rer. nat.
Research Group Leader (Postdoc)

Jan Knobloch
Master of Science
Doctoral Candidate

Lukas Alperowitz
Master of Science
Doctoral Candidate

Andreas Seitz
Master of Science
Doctoral Candidate

Dora Dzvonyar
Master of Science
Doctoral Candidate

Jan Philip Bernius
Master of Science
Doctoral Candidate
Theses Offered