Fundamentals of Programming (INHN0002) WS21/22
Intended Learning Outcomes
After successful completion of the module, participants are acquainted with the object-oriented programming language Java and master programming in the small. They are able to realize programs on their own and to apply the fundamental concepts of Informatics as taught in module INHN0001, on a basic practical but scientific level. Accompanying the module INHN0001, assignments may exercise and apply for problem solving concepts, such as basic data structures, recursion, objects, classes and methods, lists, queues, and trees, advanced concepts of object-oriented programming, and concurrency.
Course Information
- SWS: 4
- ECTS: 6
- Module: INHN0002
- Course description: TUMOnline
- Prerequisite: Participants should attend Introduction to Informatics (INHN0001) at the same time
- Assessment: weekly exercises and presentations in tutor groups
- Time and Location:
- 3 hour long tutor groups per week (distributed over the week)
- On-campus or virtual (Zoom)
- Room: tbd
- There will be small breaks.
- For exercises, please access
Related Course
Recommended Reading
- Heinisch, Müller-Hofmann, Goll: Java als erste Programmiersprache, Teubner, 2007
- Deitel, Harvey / Deitel, Paul: How to program Java Prentice-Hall, 2002
- Flanagan, David: Java in a Nutshell O'Reilly, 2002
- Bishop, Judith: Java gently Prentice-Hall, 2001
- Eckel, Bruce: Thinking in Java Prentice-Hall, 2002

Prof. Dr. Stephan Krusche